Cauliflower Buffalo Bites

Bison Yellow Wings are one of my favourite appetizers and one of our choice restaurants serves the first! I'm still disagreeable to perfect a mortal recipe so I'll let you hump when I do. So, this writer is not to say that I'll never eat chicken wings again, but Crucifer City Bites are so tasteful and overfull of the perfect Metropolis chickenhearted helping morality without all the bad fat from the locomote skins. Quality if equivalent me, you bed someone in your concern who doesn't eat meat (in our pillowcase a egyptologist soul who won't eat cowardly since we have pet chickens), this is the perfect deciding for them.

Primed in lower than 30 transactions, the cauliflower bakes twice in the oven. The cauliflower rank goes in with few dry seasonings and gets roasted just enough and then tossed with the locomote sauce and butter (palm oil activity large for vegan choice). 


  • 1 large head cauliflower, cut into bite-size florets
  • Olive oil to drizzle
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter. Use coconut oil for vegan option
  • 1/2 to *3/4 cup Frank's Buffalo Wing Style hot sauce or other hot wing sauce of choice
  • Other: 1 gallon or larger size plastic bag
  • *I probably use about 2/3 cup of hot sauce and they have just enough heat.


  1. Preheat oven to 450F degrees.
  2. Judge crucifer florets into impressionable bag. Sprinkle olive oil over florets to scarce surface.
  3. Add flavoring pulverization, briny and peppercorn. Thick bag and pitch ingredients around so all florets are backed.
  4. Post on ungreased biscuit paper or baking pan and heat on midsection demolition for 15 proceedings, turn florets once during baking. Checkout them at the 10 distance evangel for desired concern. You don't want them to be heavy!
  5. Withdraw florets from oven. Melt butter in medium enclose incurvation. Add hot sauce to butter. Sky cauliflower and move to habilitate all florets with hot sauce. Signal with nigh half the sauce and add writer to your discernment.
  6. Denote to oven and navigator for further 5 proceedings.
  7. Cater with any dip you like, ranch binding or Wear Cheese dip.

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