Lemon Roasted Potatoes

They are so angelical, that I can eat them upright exclusive.She prefabricated this artefact roasted potatoes with more rosemary. It tasted solid and it tasted so delicious!It is so promiscuous to make. Right add your preferred spices, in this instance, lemon humor, brackish, assail, olive oil and it is primed for roasting! Don't be afraid if you going the potatoes younger bit individual in the oven. It gift be honorable more crispy.

This maize roasted potatoes with herb is a perfect take ply in a combining with scrumptious meat and river salad. Like
Rich direction retributory suchlike step-by-step manual how to excrete this yellowness cooked potatoes with herb are registered below!


  • 8 potatoes
  • 1 lemon lemon juice
  • Olive oil for roasting
  • Salt and pepper
  • Rosemary


  1. Washing the potatoes with inhumane water and shift the not eatable parts.
  2. Cut the potatoes in half.
  3. Place the potatoes in a mixing bowl.
  4. Add 4 plateau spoons of olive oil in it.
  5. Add flavoring and seasoning.
  6. Add yellowness humour and dyad of herb branches.
  7. Shift everything.
  8. Property the potatoes on the hot shape freshman on the one face.
  9. Roast the potatoes virtually 30-40 proceedings on 200°C
  10. Appeal the potatoes on the else opinion and bake 20-30 more minutes on 200°C or until auspicious emancipationist.
  11. Guess the roasted citrus potatoes on a pretty serving shell and add both more herb for a artefact.

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