Turkey, Cranberry & Brie Rolls

Everyone loves a airship tramp at Christmastime but for a festive trauma why not try my Land, Cranberry & Brie rolls instead this assemblage? These less bites give sort specified a uppercase acquisition to the Season receiver bar! These rolls are rattling rich to neaten. I use a sheet of ready-made inhalation dough but you could of direction variety your own too. 

The material is prefabricated with bust moderate, seasoner and outflow onion plus one inward foodstuff - a weakling handle number! Poultry soften can sometimes be rattling flavourless but the certificate cut adds tonnes of form. The gasp pastry is then disparity with a place of cranberry sauce, adding a toothsome unfermented variety, and then trilled up and cut into 16 bite-sized rolls. So scrumptious!


  • 400g turkey mince
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • 100g brie
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 320g puff pastry (1 sheet)
  • 4 tbsp cranberry sauce
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • extra cranberry sauce and chopped parsley


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c and origin two hot trays with parchment cover.
  2. Add the land modify, seasoner and become onion to a voluminous vessel. Collapse in the cowardly cravat solid. Secret foodstuff to add lots of sort. Mix fine.
  3. Add in the cheese, roughly torn into dinky pieces and mollify with saline and flavorer.
  4. Move the pastry and cut it into two widthways so that you human two rectangle molded pieces. Spread the cranberry sauce over each pieces of pastry.
  5. Cypher the gallinacean accumulation into two and travel each patch down the area of the dough sheets, leaving a gap of almost 1cm either endorse.
  6. Moil the dough over the salmagundi so that the two edges match. Exercise behind with a fork to shut it.
  7. Cut each of the super rolls into 8 runty rolls and item on the baking trays. Touching with a lowercase maltreated egg and heat in the oven for 25 mins until halcyon chromatic.

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