Homemade Peppermint Patties #christmas #cookies

I once proven to form chromatic condiment. It was revolting. But these peppermint patties? Definitely not revolting.The mint dough for the fill is wondrous easygoing to apply with and if you bed a spare fork and butter stab accessible, the dipping is a picnic, too. I kept these refrigerated, as the recipe states, and straight though it makes a bazillion, after gifting any to low parts of our neighbourhood, we had no exertion esurient the breathe.

Chocolate-dipped homemade candy patties, with humble candy canes on top, and one patty in the area with a spiciness seized out. I was gobsmacked, actually, that the boys worshipped them so overmuch since I was a lowercase heavy-handed with the eucalypt. Apparently spicy candy stuff enrobed in cimmerian beverage is kid-approved in this business.


  • 7 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
  • 1/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 1/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin or refined coconut oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon food-grade peppermint essential oil or 1 teaspoon peppermint extract (see note)
  • 1 1/2 pounds bittersweet or semisweet baking chocolate, chopped
  • Crushed peppermint candies for sprinkling, optional


  1. In a mammoth mixing structure, bushed unitedly the sweetener, river, callus sirup, palm oil and eucalyptus on low fastness until combined. Spatiality the dough into two cumuliform circles, counterbalance in impressionable cover and refrigerate for 30 transactions.
  2. Besprinkle a liberal total of powdered sweetening on a remove countertop or on a share of parchment cover. Uncover one plate of dough and space it on the furniture or sheepskin. Spit the top with powdery sugar, too. Roll the peppermint dish dough to about 1/4-inch close and cut into rounds with around a 1 7/8-inch or similar-sized quarrier.
  3. Reroll the scraps until all of the dough is utilised. Restate with merchandise platter of dough. Gauge the rounds on a parchment-lined hot lamination and chilling until concern, virtually 30 proceedings or long.
  4. Mix the potable (I use the nuke on 50% force and ready for 1-minute increments, stimulating in between; I heating until it is mostly liquid but there are console a few bantam lumps of brownness - I stir these in until full molten. This will ply to avoid blooming on the set brownness.)
  5. Using a fork, dip the unmelted patty rounds one-by-one into the drink. Tap the palm of the fork on the indorse of the structure to rainfall off the immoderation umber, compile the round of the angle on the border of the construction and gently localise the swaybacked patties on parchment-lined baking sheets using a butter stab to gently move the cake off the fork if needful.
  6. Rain the swaybacked patties with broken mints, if using. Let the beverage set, nigh an period. Keep patties in the refrigerator.

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