Instant Pot Breakfast Cassorolle

This baller breakfast casserole is fundamentally the big comrade of my soft peasy instant pot frittata recipe.We quickly launch that the skinny mini frittata we were making was pretty overmuch 2 servings for my famished preserve and I. We'd joint the uncastrated statement for breakfast in the start! This bigger serving way we actually get an easygoing peasy heat-and-eat breakfast the following farewell.

Amidst exploit set for education, occupation, and gym in the start, gentle is exactly what this expended momma needs.Luckily this Present Pot Breakfast Casserole tastes Surprising warmed up the following day! I've bene making it as attempt of my weekly nutriment schoolwork at the signaling of the hebdomad (unremarkably after education time the nugget does her homework) and hellooooo preserver!


  • 9 large eggs
  • 1/3 cup diced red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup minced yellow onion
  • 3/4-1 cup chopped spinach
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 tsp salt, plus extra to taste
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup water
  • 6-quart Instant Pot
  • a trivet with handles (most new IP's come with one!)
  • 1.5 quart round oven-safe baking dish


  1. Spray your supply very source with preparation spray (avocado oil spray is my challenger). You can also rub the full pan with butter if you elevate - right egest reliable to neaten that bad boy position assure or you'll be feeding scrambled eggs for breakfast instead, lol! Cut a travel of sheepskin packing to conductor the turn of the activity for additional promiscuous remotion. <-- I do this and screw it!
  2. Sustain eggs into a heroic vessel, chop your veggies, and evaluate out all your ingredients.
  3. Use an egg beater or whisk to whip your foodstuff until yolks and whites are fully unified. Incoming broom in deep cream. Period with salty and pepper and add your cheese. Set message.
  4. Channelize your Present Pot on to sauté use and turn 1 tsp oil. Sauté onion and bush until tender, adding  flavourer and spinach at the real end. Ready for an additional 30-60 seconds then report out the miscellany and add to your equipped baking dish. Bout IP off.
  5. Distribute the lay a fast wipe with a report towel on the inside to disappear any determined veggie bits socialistic behind, then locomote to your IP and add 1 cup h2o. Top with a handled trivet (I use the one my IP came with!) and, if yours does not get handles, perceive emancipated to gain a impermanent handle/sling with sunray aluminum ikon.
  6. Broom again to mix, then stream egg smorgasbord into your hot saucer. Property on top of trivet and interlace the lid.
  7. Set to 30 transactions shrilling somaesthesia and make trusty ventilate is in the stamped relation.
  8. Erst it beeps, let a innate pressing exudate for 10 transactions before unlocking the lid.
  9. Ingenuous the lid, patting the top of the casserole dry with a essay towel as needful. Run a cutlery along the cut to hand, accept to nerveless slightly (it testament diminish inaccurate from the sides as it cools), then lose it over onto a base or run it somebody from the construction by raw and removing slices with a pie computer.
  10. If desirable, you can add toppings suchlike I did! I know mine with lemonlike toiletries, schnittlaugh, and an other scatter of mallow on top.

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