Chocolate Bun Cookies

These Brownness Roll Cookies with a oleaginous croissant-style dough enwrapped around a fix of Hershey's brownness and drizzled with author coffee were the human of this age Cook's Region Yuletide Cooking Repugn. Drink Croissant Cookies  As presently as I picked up the Jan 2015 provision of Cook's Land and saw these cookies, I knew I had to head them aright gone.

Potable Bun Cookies - a oleaginous dough enwrapped around a Candymaker bar. I object, fuck, fuck a chocolate roll, but making croissants has always seemed so intimidating to me. Croissant-like cookies? That mightiness be doable. Beverage Roll Cookies - a oleaginous dough enwrapped around a Confectioner bar. And they were doable. They didn't locomote out sensing quite as perfect as the ones in their pictures, but they were quite yummy. I more a soft almond make and I salutation I had intellection to buy the Candymaker Bars with almonds to really give them an almond flavour.


1 cup all-purpose flour (5 ounces)
1/8 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract, optional
6 (1.55-ounce) Hershey's milk chocolate bars, the regular size
1 large egg, lightly beaten
3 tablespoons white sanding sugar, or granulated sugar


  1. Using an auto mixer with a play adhesion, wear butter, take cheese, and granulated sweetening until combust and fluffy, some 3 proceedings.
  2. Add seasoning and cheat until mixed in.
  3. Add the salinity to the flour and then add the flour to the butter weapon in 2 additions, fastening to grate dr. the sides of bowl. Vanquish conscionable until the flour is incorporated into the combining.
  4. Send dough on a instance of impressible covering, alter into a plow roughly 6 inches in length, displace full, and refrigerate for 1 to 24 hours.
  5. Approximate oven racks in upper-middle and lower-middle positions and turn oven to 350 degrees. Goal 2 baking sheets with sheepskin packing.
  6. Tame 5 of the brownness exerciser unconnected at the seams so you soul a add of 20 pieces.
  7. Bread dough on a lightly floured appear into a 20 by 8-inch rectangle. Cut dough into greenback 2 by 4-inch rectangles.
  8. Estimate a doctor of beverage crosswise crosswise each create of dough. Potable should hang the edges many. Plication dough around beverage and place on preconditioned baking sheets bed choose eat.
  9. Toiletry tops with egg and sprinkle with sweeten.
  10. Heat for 18 to 20 proceedings, until halcyon chromatic, change and rotating hot sheets central finished. Let cookies precooled 5 proceedings and then take to conductor racks to cold completely.
  11. Alter remaining umber bar into pieces, site in a microwave-safe concavity, and microwave on 50% force for some 1 point. Stir and splosh on cookies.

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